United States v. Apple is pure nerd rage

Illustration of an iPhone surrounded by green message bubbles.
Illustration by Cath Virginia / The Verge

United States v. Apple is a lawsuit written for most people, an 88-page press launch designed to be learn aloud on cable information exhibits.

A lawsuit is, functionally talking, a communication between attorneys and a choose. As a result of it’s a specialised missive to a specialised viewers, it might turn out to be extremely technical and jargonistic — that is particularly so on the subject of area of interest areas of regulation like antitrust or complicated sectors of litigation like know-how. Tech lawsuits are sometimes obscure even to techies, interspersed with weird software program terminology that’s just about meaningless exterior of a courtroom of regulation. (For instance, antitrust regulation loves “middleware,” and copyright regulation loves “technological safety measure.”)

Though the dreaded…

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