Two phrases: jazz anime

A still from ‘Blue Giant’
Picture: GKids

The setup of Blue Large is acquainted anime territory: a younger boy from a small city strikes to Tokyo to pursue his dream. This boy, Dai, is a saxophone obsessive. He practices all day beneath a bridge, honking and warbling till he wears out his reed. Naturally, Dai needs to be the best jazz musician on the planet.

For all his audacious ambition, Blue Large is essentially restrained. The film focuses on the trio that kinds the band — and even shifts its consideration away from Dai at across the midway mark. There’s additionally Sawabe, a savvy and smug pianist who is aware of how the membership efficiency circuit operates. After which there’s Dai’s roommate, Tamada, a highschool pal who improbably turns into the band’s rhythm part after attempting the drums simply…

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