The OnePlus Watch 2 broke the nerdy covenant that smartwatch crowns should scroll

Once I reviewed the OnePlus Watch 2 final month, I mentioned it had a digital crown. I did so as a result of it had a button with grooves that you might twist and press. I didn’t assume a lot of it, however a number of readers contested its crown-ness. This, they mentioned, was naught however a mere button.

To that, I furrowed my forehead.

The issue was that twisting the OnePlus Watch 2’s “digital crown” didn’t do something. It broke the unstated nerd covenant that smartwatch crowns should scroll. Urgent the button brings up an app menu, however twisting it? Zip, zilch, nada. On different smartwatches, twisting a crown usually enables you to scroll by menus and notifications — no matter’s in your show. Since this button didn’t do this, the folks argued, it couldn’t be a…

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