NASA has greenlit plans to ship a large drone to Saturn’s largest moon

An artist conecpt of NASA’s Dragonfly rotorcraft
This artist mockup of Dragonfly hovering over Titan’s dunes has… properly, Dune vibes. | Picture: NASA / Johns Hopkins APL / Steve Gribben

NASA has been given the go-ahead to ship a flying drone-like lander to discover Titan, the biggest of Saturn’s 146 moons.

Focusing on a July 2028 launch, the company introduced on Tuesday that it may now full the ultimate design for Dragonfly — a Mars rover-sized rotorcraft that can be used to detect “prebiotic chemical processes frequent on each Titan and the early Earth earlier than life developed.”

If all goes in line with plan, the eight-rotor drone is scheduled to reach at Titan in 2034, the place it should fly to dozens of “promising areas” to characterize the habitability of Titan’s setting and hunt for any indicators that life as soon as existed on the organic-rich moon. Titan’s denser ambiance (round 4 occasions that of Earth’s) will help the…

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